Saturday, 3 October 2015

Histroy of Cell 2nd part

                              Basic Biology
2.Grew and Maphigi(1662): They observed the minute cavities  and homogenous mass and other portion is empty known as “Ladder”.
3.Leeuean hook(1674): He discovered three cell having no any cell wall.
4.Lamark(1809): He said that
                      “Nobody can have life if its parts
       or constituents are not cellular
        tissues or formed by vesicals or      cells”
5. Same idea was given by “Turpin in 1826” and “Meyer in 1830”.
6.Robert Brown(1831): He rejected the idea of Robert hooke that cells are empty spaces instead he said that cells are not empty spaces because he discovered nucleus in the cell.
7.Sheliden(1830) and schwan(1839): They establish the cell theory.
                      Postulates of Cell theory
ØAll the organisms are are composed of one or more cells.
ØAll the cells are originate from previously existing cells.
ØCells has their own life .
ØCell control the proccess of life due to which that organism surrvives.
     Modren Cell theory
ØNumber of chromosomes remains constant generation after generation.
ØCell is basic structural and functional unit of life

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